Storm Water Resource Plan
Background: On August 28, 2014, the California State Legislature passed SB 985, amending the Storm Water Resource Planning Act. The Act requires Storm Water Resource Plans (SWRP) in order to receive grants for storm water and non-storm water runoff capture projects from bond acts approved by the voters after January 1, 2014. SWRPs are to list and prioritize in a quantitative manner projects designed to capture storm water for potential future use and provide multiple benefits to maximize water supply, water quality, and environmental and other community benefits. Therefore, these projects will also have the benefit of reducing the pollution storm water carries to receiving water bodies, which in turn can assist agencies with compliance with applicable MS4 permits and total maximum daily loads (TMDL). In addition, SB 985, requires that a Storm Water Resource Plan (SWRP) be developed and submitted to the applicable Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) group for incorporation into their Integrated Regional Water Management Plans (IRWMPs).

The Honey Lake Valley Resource Conservation District (Honey Lake Valley RCD) has been awarded a Prop1 planning grant through the Water Board to develop a SWRP for the Honey Lake Valley and the greater Lahontan Basin IRWM region respectively. To facilitate the development of a SWRP, the California State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) issued Storm Water Resource Plan Guidelines in November 2015 (SWRP Guidelines).
Honey Lake Valley RCD will be the lead agency coordinating the SWRP’s development. The Lahontan Basin SWRP will be developed in collaboration with the following project partners: Lassen County, Sierra County, Modoc County, City of Susanville, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the Susanville Indian Rancheria. Additional partners will be identified throughout the planning process.
The SWRP will develop a unified region-wide GIS mapping effort which will include the identification of publicly owned parcels and potential infiltration constraints such as proximity to storm drain and potential geotechnical issues. This effort will be integral for prioritizing runoff capture projects and quantifying the potential volume that can be captured. The final SWRP will not only meet the State’s requirements but ultimately be the foundation for the development of future projects and plans.
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC): The Honey Lake Valley RCD formed a TAC for the development of the SWRP that includes the State Water Board, Regional Water Board and interested parties (Lassen County, Susanville Indian Rancheria, Honey Lake Valley RCD, Lassen Irrigation Company). The TAC will assist with the development of the SWRP water management goals and objectives, formalize roles, and develop a schedule for future meetings.
Final SWRP and Memorandums
Public NoticeImplementation StrategiesFinal SWRPTools and ApproachIdenitification and Prioritization of ProjectApproach to Water Quality