About The District
History of Resource Conservation Districts

The concept of local resource conservation districts (RCDs) was born in the early 1930s out of concern for soil erosion, floods and sky-blackening dust storms. It was realized that these problems could be solved only with informed participation and cooperation of local citizens through the education of land owners, managers and the public through examples and demonstrations of improved conservation practices. RCDs were formed to focus on these activities.
RCDs are legal subdivisions of state government organized under the State of California Public Resources Code. RCDs are authorized and directed to advise and assist private landowners and public agencies in the conservation and use of soil and interrelated resources including water, plant materials and wildlife.
There are 100 RCDs in the state of California separated in to 10 regions. For more information on RCDs throughout the state, visit the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD) webpage.
Why do we need RCDs
Until the formation of Resource Districts there was no organized mechanism for disseminating resource conservation information, expertise, and assistance. Farmers and ranchers often had no one to turn to for soil and water conservation information and assistance. It took a crisis of national proportions, the Dust Bowl, to bring this about.

RCDs continue to render assistance to private landowners wishing to conserve soil and water and manage their resources on a sustainable basis. But RCDs also act as a focal point for local conservation efforts, and RCDs throughout the state now function as leaders in the conservation community, including a large number of watershed groups in California. RCDs continue to sponsor educational efforts to teach children and adults alike the importance of conserving resources.
Though there are growing contributions by other groups and organizations that raise public awareness of resource conservation, RCDs remain one of the primary links between local people and government on issues related to conservation. With an ever dwindling base of resources and environmental pressures from a host of human activities, the work of RCDs will continue to be needed far into the future.
History of our District
We conserve land through outreach, restoration, and planning since 1956!
The Honey Lake Valley Resource Conservation District (HLVRCD) is a special district of the state of California, located in Lassen County and set up under California law to be a locally governed agency with their own locally appointed or elected, independent board of directors. The HLVRCD implement projects on public and private lands and educate landowners and the public about resource conservation.
Our dedicated and experienced team provides education, technical assistance and large-scale planning. We work closely with many local, state and federal government agencies, non-profit organizations, private landowners and public land managers on an array of programs that balance economic and environmental goals. We help bring funding and collaboration to local projects and help farmers, ranchers and landowners navigate the laws and permits that may be required. The HLVRCD operates the Susan River Watermaster program which makes the HLVRCD unique in that respect as it is the only District in the State to do so.
The activities of the District are administered by a Board of Directors who live within the District’s boundaries. The Board of Directors is actively involved in the District's policy and programs. The HLVRCD board, under state law, meet publicly once a month to debate about local conservation issues, and make decisions or take actions on these issues. Our Board also frequently employs specialists and contractors to carry out board policies and projects that address a broad array of conservation issues. Board members implement district policies and programs on a volunteer basis (board members cannot be paid for their services to RCDs). As such, staff often serves as conservation educators to landowners, schools, and the public to raise awareness of conservation in the local community. HLVRCD staff also educate and inform state government representatives to rally support for resource conservation locally and on a statewide basis.